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SMART Symposium on AI-Driven Computational Biology and Medicine
October 26-29, 2024
Shenzhen Guangming Cloud Park International Conference Center, Shenzhen, China
Contact Us
Email: symposium@smart.org.cn; Hotline: (+86) 173 2236 4121

With the rapid development of technology, the field of biomedicine is undergoing unprecedented integration and innovation. While encompassing the essence of traditional biological research, it also deeply integrates modern information technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing. This integration has brought about significant breakthroughs in pharmaceutical research, disease diagnosis and treatment, and health management. In this symposium, we have convened top experts and scholars in the field to delve into the latest research findings in related areas.


The conference will focus on topics such as computational biology, drug design, artificial intelligence, and structure prediction, with the aim of providing suggestions for the development of intelligent biological and pharmaceutical-related fields.

Organizing Committee

Jiali Gao, University of Minnesota, Shenzhen Bay Laboratory

Yaoqi Zhou, Shenzhen Bay Laboratory

Qin Peng, Shenzhen Bay Laboratory


Kaifu Chen, Harvard Medical School

Maria Pia Cosma, Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)

Pan Deng, Microsoft Research AI for Science

Maria Carolina Florian, IDIBELL Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute

Yi Qin Gao, Peking University

Jing-Dong Jackie Han, Peking University

Teresa Head-Gordon, University of California, Berkeley

Kendall N. Houk, University of California, Los Angeles

Niu Huang, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing

Xuhui Huang, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Yanyi Huang, Peking University, Shenzhen Bay Laboratory

Mark von Itzstein, Griffith University

Jun Jiang, University of Science and Technology of China

William L. Jorgensen, Yale University

Guohui Li, Liaoning Normal University

Jingyi Jessica Li, University of California, Los Angeles

Wei Li, University of California, Irvine

Wei Liu, Tecent AI Lab

Jing Ma, Nanjing University

Vicent Moliner, Institute of Advanced Materials (INAM) Universitat Jaume I

Modesto Orozco, Institute for Research in Biomedicine, University of Barcelona

Jingzhi Pu, Indiana University Indianapolis

Hao Wang, Shandong University

Lihao Wang, ByteDance

Xinyan Wang, DP Technology

Guanghong Wei, Fudan University

Yun-Dong Wu, Peking University

Kelin Xia, Nanyang Technological University

Yi Xing, University of Pennsylvania

Jie Yan, National University of Singapore

John Z.H.Zhang, Shenzhen University of Advanced Technology

Ya Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Suwen Zhao, ShanghaiTech University

Sheng Zhong, University of California, San Diego



Registration has been closed. We look forward to your participation in our future symposia!


Please click the Register link on top of this web page to proceed the registration process. Please fill in your registration information before 18:00 on October 23, 2024.

Please apply as early as you can as this confernce is on a first-come, first-served basis. Application will be closed after the number of registration exceeds 450.


Registration fee


Registration Fee  (CNY/USD)


RMB 1,640(USD 230)


RMB 2,000(USD 280)


RMB 2,500(USD 350)




1. When making the transfer, please include the following note: [Symposium Name] + [Your Full Name].

2. Please complete the registration and payment before 18:00 on October 23, 2024. Attendees registering on-site will be provided with electronic program only.

3. The electronic invoice for the registration fee will be sent to the registered email address within 15 working days after the symposium.

4. Refunds will not be available after 18:00 on October 25.


Poster Session

Registration has been closed. We look forward to your participation in our future symposia!


This conference will feature a poster presentation session, with an award for outstanding posters. We sincerely invite you to submit your topics and participate in the poster presentation (encouraging the display of the latest research advancements or unpublished research topics).


How to participate: Upload poster information to the registration website.

Poster requirements: If you participate in the poster presentation, please print the poster yourself and bring it to the conference venue to be posted in the designated area by the staff.

Poster size: Width 80 cm*Height 120cm

Deadline: October 23, 2024












